3rd Annual Healing NET Summit
I'm back on the road again! Actually, this time I flew to San Diego. I have been graciously invited to the 3rd Annual Healing NET Summit. The theme this year is "Working Together". All the best NET doctors, researchers, medical staff, patient advocates, & pharmaceutical companies are here to brain storm on how to help patients. This is powerful stuff people! Thank you Cindy* & Eric** for including me in the Summit.
It was so terrific catching up with some incredible people and meeting so many new folks. All of these bring something valuable to the NET table and I am so very grateful for them.
The Healing NET Foundation had a video created of my mission and journey. If you wish to view it; this is it.
I believe with all my heart that the only way we will be able to help people with NET is to educate and train doctors to look for zebra symptoms and for patients to educate themselves and advocate for themselves better.

Anna showed up just as everyone was finishing breakfast. She must have known her story was first on the agenda. 😇 I was so grateful for all the kind words received after the viewing of the video. They will keep me bolstered and warm on the days when I'm cold and quitting crosses my mind.
*Cindy Lovelace is the CEO & co-founder of The Healing NET Foundation & my dear friend.
**Dr. Eric Liu is the Chief Medical Officer & co-founder of The Healing NET Foundation, Anna's surgeon, & a dear friend.