Starting November 10th, 2017

How did this come about?
Good question!
My name is Gil Schaenzle and Anna Rose is my amazing, beautiful daughter. She died on March 26th, 2017 from Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma, a rare NET cancer. Anna was barely 21 when she got her wings. One day when Anna was feeling especially terrible from chemo, I told her of my idea to run through all the National Parks. I asked her if she would want to be my support vehicle driver when she had beat cancer and felt better. Her reply was "No". I asked why, and she replied that she was going to run all of them with me. So, to honor Anna, I am going to go forward with our plan. I also want to bring awareness to this insidious cancer. It is the #1 misdiagnosed cancer. I have to do something to change that. I hope this will also bring help, hope and love to all the NET patients out there. You go through so much and my heart is with you.